full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Teresa Njoroge: What I learned serving time for a crime I didn't commit

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And so we moved on. As I ltesiend to story after sotry of these close to 700 women during that one year in prison, I soon rezlaeid that crime was not what had brought these wmoen to prison, most of them, far from it. It had started with the eatoicdun system, whose supply and quality is not equal for all; lack of economic opportunities that pushes these women to petty survival crimes; the health system, social justice system, the criniaml justice system. If any of these women, who were mostly from poor backgrounds, fall through the ckrcas in the already broken system, the bottom of that chasm is a prison, period.

Open Cloze

And so we moved on. As I ________ to story after _____ of these close to 700 women during that one year in prison, I soon ________ that crime was not what had brought these _____ to prison, most of them, far from it. It had started with the _________ system, whose supply and quality is not equal for all; lack of economic opportunities that pushes these women to petty survival crimes; the health system, social justice system, the ________ justice system. If any of these women, who were mostly from poor backgrounds, fall through the ______ in the already broken system, the bottom of that chasm is a prison, period.


  1. criminal
  2. story
  3. realized
  4. education
  5. women
  6. listened
  7. cracks

Original Text

And so we moved on. As I listened to story after story of these close to 700 women during that one year in prison, I soon realized that crime was not what had brought these women to prison, most of them, far from it. It had started with the education system, whose supply and quality is not equal for all; lack of economic opportunities that pushes these women to petty survival crimes; the health system, social justice system, the criminal justice system. If any of these women, who were mostly from poor backgrounds, fall through the cracks in the already broken system, the bottom of that chasm is a prison, period.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
criminal justice 3
clean start 3
langata women 2
women maximum 2
dialect means 2
build bridges 2
years post 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
langata women maximum 2

Important Words

  1. backgrounds
  2. bottom
  3. broken
  4. brought
  5. chasm
  6. close
  7. cracks
  8. crime
  9. criminal
  10. economic
  11. education
  12. equal
  13. fall
  14. health
  15. justice
  16. lack
  17. listened
  18. moved
  19. opportunities
  20. period
  21. petty
  22. poor
  23. prison
  24. pushes
  25. quality
  26. realized
  27. social
  28. started
  29. story
  30. supply
  31. survival
  32. system
  33. women
  34. year